Core Values


We are independent which means that we offer impartial investment advice, not tied to any particular financial institution so that our clients can benefit from the best opportunities from the best investment managers. We are not in the business of distributing in-house products nor are we bound by organizational constraints when choosing what is best for you.


We provide our services for explicit, transparent fees. GlobalView is only paid by the client, which ensures a single focus and serving the client’s best interests. All discounts and cash rebates we negotiate with banks or fund managers are exclusively for the benefit of our clients.


We have served the interests of many families for several decades – often through generational changes – based on trust we have earned over time.

Expert Knowledge

Knowing who are the best managers is only part of the battle. Rigorous analyses including portfolio construction, assessment of evolving correlation factors, risk budgeting at both the asset class and the asset allocation levels are key metrics we continuously monitor to ensure a robust Investment process in any type of environment. We have dedicated manager due diligence and portfolio construction staff. Only a seasoned team can do this effectively.

Buying Power

By investing together, we give clients the advantage of being treated as an institutional (rather than a retail) client so that our clients benefit from substantial economies of scale not only in respect of investment products but also lending.


We report to you regularly and consistently in a manner that best suits your needs. Because of our structure and size, we can guarantee confidentiality and continuity of service.